Selasa, 20 November 2012

Just Married 10-11-12

ternyata sampe di Thailand juga dapet undangan orang merid nehhh.....
experience yang keren, ciak tok di Thailand itu seperti apa... hehehe...
congratulation for Owen & Ae... \(^o^)/

okay, intro dulu...
pertama x ke greja, owen menjadi translator ku dari bahasa Thai ke bahasa mandarin. kedua x saya pergi, owen bilang dya bakal meriddd, dan diundang ke pemberkatannya. keempat x saya pergi, sudah dapat undangan,, hahaha... owen itu orang china yang sejak masa kulia sudah di Thailand dan skr suda lulus around satu tahun lbh deh.. dan kerja di thailand... pas awal dtg di Thailand, semuanya ga ngerti, bahasa thai ga bisa, cuma dengan modal bahasa inggris yang pas pasan... nah,,, saat ini lah muncul malaikatnya, Ae :) original orang thai, dya sangat baik hati, dan friendly, dya bantu owen banyak,, hingga membawanya ke gereja juga. sampe akhirnya mrk memutuskan untuk tie the knot... walaupun owen lebih muda dari ae #jengjenggg....

bisa ketemu dengan orang yang tepat, love each other, support each other, share everything, and have a feeling with dan berkomitmen itu tidak mudah.. 

six billion people in the world, but they meet each other, that is a miracle too :)

 oooyaa,, for another couple... yang sudah gw tnggu2 hari meridnya,, finally...
congrats Fu An & Xiao Ling,,
im so glad and feel the joy of your happiness
all the best for your new journey in life...

wish the couple lots of happiness as they start off their journey together

What do flower colors meaning?

Pink Roses
Happiness, Elegance, Romance, Admiration, Sweetness, Thank You

Ranging from a subtle hint of color to deep and bright, pink roses have come to mean joy, happiness, gratitude and admiration.  They're often seen in bridal arrangements, thank you or congratulations bouquets.  Considering the word "rose" brings to mind the faint blush of a fair maiden's cheeks, it's not surprising these blooms are a favorite to give and receive.
There are many different variations of pink, from a pale blush to a gentle medium pink to a vibrant pink, each having its own meaning and implication.  The palest pink roses are a sign of gentleness, joy and grace. Bridal Pink is a perfect pale pink floribunda rose that is long lasting and offers a spicy scent.  The light to medium pink roses can show sympathy or admiration.  Lady Diana is a beautiful light pink rose perfect for either emotion.  Deep pink roses, such as Laser and Diplomat are perfect choices to show someone how grateful you are to have them in your life.

White Roses
Purity, Virtue, Sincerity and Chastity

It has also come to mean loyalty and faith, which can be strongly linked to purity. In true love, faithfulness and loyalty are implicit, despite distance or time. for these symbols, white roses are a perfect gift to a beloved who is far away, as they will display not only your love, but also your fidelity. White roses are also the perfect gift to send to a platonic friend, for a similar reason: constant, faithful love, mixed with the symbolism of innocence, is a wonderful way to show your love for a dear friend.
At the same time, as the uses throughout history have shown the white rose is also a symbol of strong resistance and the will to stand for one's beliefs at any cost. Giving a white rose as a gift is a very strong gift. It is not fleeting passion or romance, which is too often what the red rose conveys. The white rose is a strong and consistent love, which is pure, faithful and sacrificial. Not many flowers have such a powerful meaning to their name. And this meaning comes to the rose not only through folklore and stories, but through true histories of brave people fighting for their cause. The white rose is a beautiful flower, with beautiful symbolism, and a friend or lover should be proud to give this flower as a gift to those they love steadily and faithfully

Yellow Roses
Joy, Gladness, Friendship, Delight, Promise of a new beginning, Welcome Back, Remember Me,  Jealousy, "I care"

As the language of flowers was complicated and intricate, the meaning of a flower and color could be expanded on and changed by what is sent or held with the rose.  The yellow rose is often used to indicate happiness, friendship and caring but certain combinations could change the meaning to happy with the domestic life or innocent friendship. The yellow rose adds an element of happiness to any flower arrangement.
Yellow roses, with their sunshine color show the joy and happiness that friends bring into our lives and as such the yellow rose is very appropriate to send to friends.  One of the things that make the yellow rose so special is that it indicates a true friend and a true friend is a rare and wonderful gift. Always remember to include a card with thoughts that pass on the message of the flower in words spoken from the heart. The yellow rose meaning will not
be hidden in any way when you share it in your own language of love.

Red Roses
Love, Beauty, Courage and Respect, Romantic Love, Congratulations, "I Love You", "Job Well Done", Sincere Love, Respect, Courage & Passion

Red roses are given to those who you want to show love and passion, people who you have great respect for, and those who have shown great courage.
The quantity can also have a special meaning. A single red rose shows love, a dozen shows gratitude, twenty-five shows congratulations and fifty show unconditional love. Two red roses tied together symbolizes an engagement.
The shade of the red has a meaning as well. Bright red means love, burgundy means unconsious love, dark crimson is used to show mourning. A withered red rose is used to show that the love is over. A red rosebud symbolizes youthful love and beauty.

NganJeDi Festival & 歌仔戏 (Taiwanese Hokkien Opera)

Suatu siang yang mengantukkan, saya lagi kerjain skripsi di surga
tiba2 anna telepon,, nanyain sesuatu, trus dya blg aq mau ke bangkok skr.. untuk ke nightmarket yang katanya cuma ada selama 10 hari per tahun dan besoknya ada group opera taiwan yang terkenal di bangkok university for free... mau ikut ga? trus kami ketemu di surga (ruangan berAC di dorm cowok)
habis beres bahas tempat tinggal, gw langsung packing, ikutan ke bangkok... hahahaha

dan berangkatlah kami dengan manja dan doa................. brangkat dari bangsaen jam 3.30 gtu.. dengan van yang alamak lambatnya dibanding van yang lain.. huhuhu.... sktr 1,5 jam ampe bangna

setelah tiba di Bang Na, kami pun naik songthaew ke BTS Station, 


trus dbawah BTS station naik bus ke tmpt night market itu.. sekitar 40an menit...

Tibalah kami di tempat tujuannnnnn *TARAAAAAA* kayak kebakaran ya,, padahl itu karna banyak yng jual makanan,,, hahahahaha

cara jualan aan panggang nya kayak gini nihh... :))

disini banyak permainan kayak gini, jadi ada 4 anak panah kcl, hrs shoot ke empat2nya kena bola balon yang warna kuning atau merah jambu gtu, kalo kena smua bisa tukar boneka... sekali main 4 batang 20 baht, gw ada main juga dua kali,, ga dapat. huhuhuhuh

kenapa ke police station? karna mau ketemu mars dan temannya.. saking ramenya kami harus ketemu di public place... kalo ga tunggu digerbang ga nongol2, ternyata mereka di arah lain, cabe dehh.. =_=

 tugu ini untuk menghormati raja Thailand yang ke V

 kenalin teman baru ku dr KMUTT, dari kanan, 1. sea, 2. lupa, 3. we
karna nama orang thai panjang2, jadi mereka selalu ada nickname :)

ternyata tmpt ini dekat Chao Praya River, dan bisa nyebrang ke seberang, namanya wat khaosamui chedi

nyebrang PP cuma 10 baht

pagoda rangers
dari kanan ada We (khun thai), Mars (khun taiwan) & sea (khun thai)
*Khun Thai itu artinya orang Thai*

kami butuh orang lain untuk bantu fotoin kami semua, nah... si We pinter, dya minta foto sama.....

POLWAN yang ada disamping ku ini, ahahaha, akhirnya kami juga foto sama mereka

 overal, nganjedi ini kayak parade mainan sama makanan, hahahaaha... 
nah,, ada juga yang bayar 10 baht, kasi minum susu sama kambing2 ini,,,

nontoh barenggg... kata We, orang thai dlu kalo nonton ya gtu, big screen and outdoor trus ntn bareng..

yakkk... kira2 begitu deh festival nganjedi, ada banyak makanan, baju2 murah, mau second mau baru semua ada, trus atraksi , ada atraksi motor, trus mainan2, amusement park kecil gtuu ... and i enjoy my night at here... thanks to anna, mars, sea & we :)

uda malem, kami naik bus ke Thong Lo BTS Station, trus ke Ekkamai.. 
ke rumah temen yang mau kasi nginap, cihiii....~ malam2 naik BTS asik juga, like a boss... orangnya cuma 1 or 2... ahahhaa, uda itu ke seven eleven, mnum segelas ovaltine, and mandi tidurrr... awalnya sih bilang, bangun jam 7 ternyata bangun jam 10... itu efek dari tidur jam 2... hahahaha

Day 2 : Bangkok University and Ming Hua Yuan Group

akira tinggalin note kecil ini.. bagaimana dari kostnya ke Bangkok Univ. :)

Nahh... ini si akiraaaa... orang taiwan

datang-datang sudah ada christmas celebration,, cepet amattt.. wahahaha

kantin bangkok university

wall decoration, ini 44 konsonan bahasa thaii :)

nah,,ini dya taiwanese hokkien opera yang katanya pake bayar sekitar 8000 baht per tiket kalo nonton di taiwan... kali ini ga pake bayar,, jadi eke juga ikutan... bwahahaha

setelah selesai performancenya, dikasi pengumuman dalam bahasa mandarin and thai... yang aq dengar tentu bahasa mandarinnya, katanya habis acara, dilantai 14 ada makanan yang tersedia dan bisa foto2 bareng pemain... sekali lagi.. ada makanan yang tersedia... :))

tetapi ampe lantai 14, yang kami lihat adalah cuman panitia dan pemain yang didalam, another audience ga nampak... berarti... tidak semua orang bisa ikutan makan2... nah... yang mandarin salah inpo ... jadi paise juga mau makan gratiss.... huehuehueehue... kami diluar menunggu si mars. 

foto-foto pemain operanya :)

opera ini yang peran cewek dimain sama cowok, yang cowok main peran cewekk... 

nah...... dengan modal bendera taiwan yang mars selalu bawa kemana2, kami pun masuk dan dengan puasnya menyantap dinner gratis + foto bareng pemain,,, ga ada yang tau aq dari indonesia... huehuehue *tapi kalo ditanya ya jawabnya orang Indo donkkkk~*

setelah puas makan, akhirnya kami pun pulang dengan manjaaaaa..... 

foto-foto di apartemennya si akira....  
sya berkumis lebattttt selebatlebatnyaa dan mars dengan model orang arab =.=

akhir cerita, sampe dorm sudah jam 12 malam... gw sakit perut keesokan harinya,,